> https://github.com/linuxboot/heads/issues/1021
This indicates the presence of a** **`lock` file within** **`~/.gnupg` or its subfolders, likely located within the** **`\~/.gnupg/public-keys.d` directory, which shouldn't be there. It needs to be removed. For example:** **`\~/.gnupg/public-keys.d/pubring.db.lock`. If you run** **`cat` on the** **`lock` file, you'll find a** **`PID` inside the error message** **`removing stale lockfile (created by 17297)` or in my case** **`gpg: Note: database\_open 134217901 waiting for lock (held by 7) ...`.
Here are some other approaches to prevent this error:
* Docker:
When creating your Docker image, include the** **`public-keys.d` folder like this:
`RUN mkdir -p \~/.gnupg/public-keys.d` before importing keys.
* On a local machine:
If the folder** **`~/.gnupg/public-keys.d` doesn't exist, create it before importing keys.
568718040f3d:/# ls -al ~/.gnupg/public-keys.d/
total 84
drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 Mar 16 02:34 .
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 27 Mar 16 02:34 .#lk0x00007ff8c7261aa0.buildkitsandbox.7
drwx------ 4 root root 4096 Mar 16 02:34 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65536 Mar 16 02:34 pubring.db
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 27 Mar 16 02:34 pubring.db.lock
568718040f3d:/# cat ~/.gnupg/public-keys.d/pubring.db.lock
568718040f3d:/# gpg --list-keys
gpg: Note: database_open 134217901 waiting for lock (held by 7) ...
gpg: Note: database_open 134217901 waiting for lock (held by 7) ...
gpg: Note: database_open 134217901 waiting for lock (held by 7) ...
gpg: Note: database_open 134217901 waiting for lock (held by 7) ...
gpg: Note: database_open 134217901 waiting for lock (held by 7) ...
gpg: keydb_search_first failed: Operation timed out
568718040f3d:/# rm -f ~/.gnupg/public-keys.d/pubring.db.lock
568718040f3d:/# gpg --list-keys
pub rsa**** 2024-03-15 [SC]
uid [ unknown] GitLab ***** (032024) <c*******d@gitlab.com>
sub rsa**** 2024-03-15 [E]
Hope this helps!